Commercial Line

Multi- peril crop insurance

Multi-peril crop insurance provides compensation to agricultural crops grown by insured.
Scope of cover

  • While Crops are at field (germination-harvest): the policy indemnifies the insured against loss or damage by drought (excluding under irrigation), fire and lightning, hail and storms, flood, rust, uncontrollable plant diseases & pests and excessive rainfall while insured crops are at farm field from germination through to harvesting stage
  • While Crops are at temporary storage: the policy covers insured crops harvested and temporarily kept at nearby storage against the risks of fire, lightning,
  • While Crops are in transit: the policy  provides cover against risks of theft,   while crops are transported from temporary storage to permanent storage
  • The policy also compensates insured for downgrading of the quality of insured crops resulted from the direct effect of covered perils indicated in the policy.

Some of the basic exclusions are:

  1. Any crop which has been harvested prior to inspection by the Assessor
  2. Hay and Straw
  3. Theft except whilst in direct transit to the insured’s permanent storage.
  4. Loss of earnings, loss by delay , loss of market or other consequential or indirect damage of any kind or description whatsoever
  5. Loss or damage to crop occasioned by its own fermentation, natural heating or spontaneous combustion

An overview

Nyala Insurance Share Company (NISCO) was founded in July 1995 following the liberalization of the insurance business to the private sector in 1994 with the Licensing and Supervision of Insurance Business Proclamation No. 85/1994. Read more...


Apart from its major investments in real estates in the downtowns of Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar and Nazareth, Nyala Insurance selectively invests in various financial institutions like Dashen Bank, which have potentially high investment returns. Read more...


Contact us

Protection House, Mickey Leland Street

Tel: +251-11-6626679/80/76
